Sunday, August 28, 2022

The Sun (Card XIX) - Basic Meanings



Yes, life is good again, all is groovy. The Sun, numbered XIX (that's nineteen in Roman numerals), is all about the sunnier happier side of life. The simple joys. Riding in wagons, wholesome fun, running in the grass barefoot, dogs on a beach, cats in the windows. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a good day to make new friends and keep the old. Play, enjoy your responsibilities, enjoy your down time. 


If the Sun is in the obstacle position that tends to indicate TOXIC POSITIVITY BABY. Trying too hard to see the bright side of things that you don't see reality in front of you. No, that person really is a jerk face and can't be trusted. No, that really did suck and you didn't really deserve that. Sometimes it can mean refusing to see the good things too, but if nothing matters then everything matters. 


If the Sun is in the solution position then it's likely telling you to quit being a negative nelly. Look at the bright side. Even if you believe "life is pain" enjoy smelling a rose, listen to your favorite music, laugh at comedy. Something terrible may have happened, but the positive side is when people react it by during their part in doing right. Remember all of your blessings, it makes the trials go down easier. 

NOTE: Picture slot intentionally left blank. NO pics used on purpose so that anyone using any deck, especially ones based on the Smith-Waite system, can relate to the meanings more easily. 

Saturday, August 27, 2022

The Moon (Card XVIII) - Basic Meanings



The great cyclic bridge between night and day. The Moon, numbered XVIII (that's eighteen in Roman numerals), speaks to illusion and shifting forms. Facing your shadow self, the parts of yourself that don't live up to your own principles. Look up at the "inkblot" of the Moon to hopefully see beyond what is traditionally seen in the moon; a face, rabbit, frog, Hebrew letters, koi fish, or something else?


If The Moon is in the obstacle position then it indicates a stubbornness to hold onto an illusion, or belief that all things labelled "dark" are bad or evil. A refusal to look at yourself honestly. A refusal to look at someone else or a situation honestly. Believing that the distorted long shadows are more real than the "thing" that's casting the shadow. Look at your fears under the sun in the twilight hours.


When the Moon is in the Solution position it's time to look at all viewpoints, and to  discern your own motives and desires. Take note of the turns being made to hide what's private while still revealing the truth in conversation. Also, remember, at times the moon can be seen while the sun is up. It's okay to do moon work during the day, especially at these times. Moonlight is sunlight kissing the night sky. 

NOTE: photo slot intentionally left blank. NO pics are used so that these meanings can apply to any Tarot deck using the Smith-Waite system (aka: Rider Waite Smith, RWS).

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

The Star (Card XVII) - Basic Meanings



In the skyrise of the dark night of the soul, there is hope. The Star, numbered XVII (that's seventeen in Roman numerals) reminds us of the hope we feel when we look up at the stars, when we have our feet firmly planted, feeling the Earth beneath them. The Star tells us that somehow, in someway, things will be good again, and right now, despite the hardships, you can feel the wonder and awe of being alive. 


If the Star is in the obstacle position can indicate feeling completely jaded, apathetic and hopeless, or, pinning all your hopes and dreams on one thing or one person. Neither are healthy. One is a bleak way of living and the other is counterfeit hope, like is being caught in a cycle of abuse under the pretense of the perpetrator changing. Look up, and dream something new, something different. 


If the Star is in the solution position then you need to keep hope in front of you, constantly, in any way you can. Find the golden thread, the iron banister, the healing stone, whatever connects you to the groundedness and reality of hope. Somehow in all the messiness of life there is so much beauty to be found and so many beautiful ways to ease suffering. 

NOTE: Picture slot intentionally left blank. I'm NOT using pics so that the meanings can be more easily applied to any Tarot deck, particularly those based on the Smith-Waite system (aka: Rider Waite Smith, RWS). 

Monday, August 15, 2022

The Tower (Card XVI) - Basic Meanings



The rude awakening. The Tower, numbered XIV (that's sixteen in Roman numerals), is like a punch to the gut, a boot to the head, horror and dread. Your shelf broke, no wait, the whole bookcase, no wait, the whole house, holy hell, and you're thrown for a loop and wonder how you are going to land. You're blown away, but, always the dust settles. Always you come back to center, to ground, as you process it all. 


If the Tower is in the obstacle position, this is you processing it all but instead of making some changes for the better, you're like NOPE, Imma go ahead and do the SAME thing I was doing before. So you rebuild the same faulty house, with the same faulty foundation. But eventually, you will be blown away again by the excrement hitting the fan and it all comes crumbling down again, until you take your lessons to heart. 


If the Tower is in the solution position, it's time to SHAKE THINGS UP. Yeah, sometimes, YOU are the tower moment in someone's life, laying out the truth as fairly and kindly as possible, but holy moly, sweet Jesus that still hurts. Embrace the whirlwind. Ride it out. Even if it's your world that crumbled, there's always beauty in the breakdown, and a touch of humor as well. 

NOTE: Picture section intentionally left blank. No pictures are used on purpose so that anyone using any Tarot deck, particularly the Smith-Waite system (aka: Rider Waite Smith, RWS), can use these meanings for their cards. 

The Devil (Card XV) - Basic Meanings



The Devil, numbered XV (that's fifteen in Roman numerals), is about vice, the misuse of power and control, addictions and beliefs that steer you away from whole hearted healing and being. Virtues turned inside out into extremes, bastardizing intentions and meanings. False beliefs that vilify life in the flesh. Using the sensual to harm life instead of to edify life. The Just World Fallacy.


When in the obstacle position the Devil indicates staying in a bad situation, refusing to see that the qualities of honor, loyalty, safety, love, and other good qualities you have, are being exploited, or used against you. There's gaslighting going on. And self-deception to the point where you are not only hurting yourself but others as well. 


When the Devil is in the solution position it may be one of those times where it's better to with the devil you know than the devil you don't. Also, sometimes, love can hurt, light can hurt, it's all too much, so the positive can feel like a devil hounding you. So, sometimes, that's the "devil" you need to listen to, or conversely, perhaps you are the "devil" by being a force of light and love in someone's life. 

NOTE: Picture spot intentionally left blank. NO pictures are used so that the meanings can be more easily applied to anyone using the Smith-Waite system (aka: Rider Waite Smith, RWS). 

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Temperance (Card XIV) - Basic Meanings



Temperance, numbered XIV* (that's fourteen in Roman numerals), is about harmony, knowledge, and discernment; knowing what, when, where, and how to do something as well as knowing for how long, what tools to use, and when to wait. Rather like baking a cake or a yeast bread. Time Tools and Techniques, use them all to get a more desirable outcome. 


When in the obstacle position, Temperance indicates you are skipping an essential part of the process, moving too fast, unwilling to learn moderation.  You are not in control of your life; unsustainable life practices, beating a dead horse, running your life ragged. Even our physical hearts need to rest between beats.


When in the solution position, Temperance is telling you to remember even handedness, to be calm of heart and clear of mind. Now is not the time to fly off the seat of your pants but to use thoughtfulness and care. Preparedness and planning, three deep cleansing breaths, listening and patience. Good timing. Rather like, flipping a pancake. 

NOTE: Picture spot intentionally left blank. NO pictures are used on purpose so that it's easier for anyone to use their favorite Smith-Waite based deck (aka: Rider Waite Smith, RWS)  with these meanings. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Death (Card XIII) - Basic Meanings



Death, numbered XIII (that's thirteen in Roman numerals), is change.* The acorn dies in order to become an oak tree. Whenever something ends, something else begins. Change is the only constant in the universe, so you may as well have fun with it. Let change edify your life. Every time you learn something new, you change a little bit, and that's so very cool.  


When in the obstacle position, Death tends to speak to fear of change and of the unknown; a denial of change. Yet, in reality, if you delay change for too long the change happens anyway. Chronic denial of change moves into stagnation, which changes into regression, and then into unnecessary suffering. It's okay to be scared, but gather your courage so you can zen it out while moving forward; progressing.


When in the solution position, Death is asking you to make them your friend by embracing change with wild abandon. Get excited about the adventure of discovering what needs to change. Get grounded and real about what needs to change. You have to let go of what no longer serves you in order to get through what you are going through well, even when it's hard. Embrace it with compassion and curiosity. 

*Addendum: Death almost never means physical death, and even if it did, it's illegal to predict physical death anyway. 

NOTE: Picture slot intentionally left blank. I'm using NO pictures on purpose so that these meanings can be more easily applied to any Tarot deck using the Smith-Waite system, aka: Rider-Waite Smith (RWS). 

Friday, August 5, 2022

The Hanged One (Card XII) - Basic Meanings



The Hanged One (aka: the Hanged man), numbered XII (that's twelve in Roman numerals) is a call for you to change what you are doing by doing nothing; be still, wait, pause. Things are a bit topsy turvy, upside down, inside out, and it's time to look at things from a different perspective. Sometimes the best thing to do is to stop and look around; left, right, up, down, turn around. 


When the Hanged One is in the obstacle position it means you don't want to stop and get your bearings. Maybe you already think you know everything you need to know about the situation, or maybe you are afraid that if you slow down you'll get screwed over. Either way, you are moving to fast and you have got to slow down before you make that turn or you really fall over and it'll hurt bad. 


When the Hanged One is in the solution position it means a whole lot of "Naw, I'm chill" is needed. The, "No, not now, let me think about that first," type language creates the space you need pause and think more deeply about things. Do you have the spoons? Do you want to be involved? Saying yes to all things gives you tunnel vision; negating compassion, self-care, and gentle inquiry. STAHP. pls.

NOTE: Picture slot intentionally left blank. I'm using NO pictures on purpose so that these meanings can be more easily applied to any Tarot deck using the Smith-Waite system, aka: Rider-Waite Smith (RWS). 

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Justice (Card XI) - Basic Meanings


The Justice card, numbered XI (that's eleven in Roman numerals), is about logical liberation, making the logical fair choice because you value life and liberty; even when it's hard. Justice is about ensuring that mercy isn't misplaced, that the one doing harm is not favored over the one harmed. Secular law, equity, ethical business practices, the golden rule. 


If the Justice card is in the obstacle position of a spread, then you're probably being too nice; allowing yourself to be walked all over in an effort to be a peacemaker. It indicates resistance to doing the logical thing, likely because feels mean to say no, to have boundaries, or to assert yourself. It can also indicate that someone is playing fast and loose with the spirit of the law.


 If hte Justice card is in the solution position it indicates that it's time to balance the scales, to let the chips fall where they may, to allow fair consequences to happen. It's time to be impartial. Set aside your emotions and feelings, set aside your attachments, so you can do the right thing, even when its hard. Be matter-of-fact; it is what it is, and what must be done must be done. 

NOTE: Picture slot intentionally left blank. Using NO pictures is on purpose so that these meanings can be more easily applied to any Tarot deck using the Smith-Waite system, aka: Rider-Waite Smith (RWS). 

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The Wheel of Fortune (Card X) - Basic Meanings



The Wheel of Fortune (aka: The Wheel), numbered X (this is ten in Roman numerals), is the card about the ups and downs of life; the cycles in the flow of life. You have to know the bitter in order to know the sweet. Yet this too shall pass, sorrow will turn to joy. The push and pull of unity and separation, the wheel turns, the circle of life. 


When the Wheel of Fortune is in the obstacle position, it indicates a resistance to allowing contrast in your life; trying to turn back time.  Also, letting things happen to you instead of taking part in your own life. Counterfeit go with the flow, refusing to be your own person and make your own decisions; letting others choose for you as your default. Stagnation.


If The Wheel of Fortune is in the solution position, It's time to roll with the punches baby! Dance to the beat, fast and slow, breathe deeply in the pauses. Find the humor and wonder in it all to stay afloat. Gratitude for the cycles of existence. Acceptance of the impermanence of everything, except for change. Trust the process. 

NOTE: Picture slot intentionally left blank. Using NO pictures is on purpose so that these meanings can be more easily applied to any Tarot deck using the Smith-Waite system, aka: Rider-Waite Smith (RWS). 

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The Hermit (Card IX) - Basic Meanings



The Hermit, numbered IX (this is 9 in Roman numerals), is about sacred solitude. Sometimes you need to cut out the noise, so you can hold up the lamp of your Heart, so you can see what you need to see, and hear what you need to hear. Vibe with the wildness of existence; within and without. Rest, recharge, take a break. Doing so is vital for healthy living. 


When in the obstacle position, the Hermit can indicate that you are isolating. Solitude is healthy, but isolation is torture. You can be among family and still be emotionally isolated. It doesn't feel safe to come out of isolation, but you'll die before you're dead if you don't. And if you already died before you're dead, let connection breathe life back into you. 


If the Hermit is in the solution position it's time for the silence to be heard. Look for the people who aren't saying anything. Talk to the quiet ones, hold space for them, and listen to understand. Listen for who is being left out of the narrative, who or what isn't being considered. Meditate before you do this so you can be zen no matter what is said, otherwise no one will talk to you. 

NOTE: Picture slot intentionally left blank. Using NO pictures is on purpose so that these meanings can be more easily applied to any Tarot deck using the Smith-Waite system, aka: Rider-Waite Smith (RWS). 

Monday, August 1, 2022

Strength (Card VIII) - Basic Meanings



Strength, numbered VIII (that's eight in Roman numerals)*, is about befriending the ego, and respecting the wildness within, and accepting all emotions as they come. The courage of radical acceptance that things are the way they are, and then using your personal power to make things better, friendlier. Coming to an accord with the good, the bad, the neutral; within and without. 


When Strength is in the obstacle position you may be forgetting that you do have sufficient fortitude to weather the storm, but, you do have to be able to bend or you'll snap. Obstinate, controlling, dominating, disrespecting boundaries, misusing your strength to have power over other beings. Power is meant to be shared for equitable living. 


When Strength is in the solution position it is an indication that gentle persuasion, calming patience, is needed. Putting anger and unhelpful emotions on the backburner in order to facilitate a better outcome. There is strength in zenning it out, so to speak. Draw on your inner resources to keep moving, keep going, so you can get to the light at the end of the tunnel. Be more kind to yourself. Let your friends love you.

*In some decks Strength is numbered XI (that's 11), and number VIII is Justice. 

NOTE: Picture slot intentionally left blank. Using NO pictures is on purpose so that these meanings can be more easily applied to any Tarot deck using the Smith-Waite system, aka: Rider-Waite Smith (RWS).